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VLF: 15.7, 13.0, 17.8, 18.6 kHz

To: <>
Subject: VLF: 15.7, 13.0, 17.8, 18.6 kHz
From: "Markus Vester" <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 01:34:06 +0100
Importance: Normal
On all wideband VLF grabbers, activity was visible on unusual frequencies this afternoon (Jan 24th):
18.6 kHz, 15:55 to 16:08 UT: long dashes
15.7 kHz, 16:15 to 16:30 two dashes
13.0 kHz, 16:37 to 16:40 one dash
18.6 kHz, 17:03 to 17:07 multitone 25 Hz spaced
17.8 kHz, 19:42 to 20:10 two tone and MSK data (up to 1.5 kHz wide !)
Perhaps all of these were Tacamo related? Man how I'd love to have that airborne antenna ;-)
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)
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