I bought myself a Christmas present called the BHI NEIM1031
(www.bhi-ltd.co.uk) noise eliminating in-line module after seeing it
demonstrated by G0GNA at his QTH in Dorking.
It is a fully adaptive DSP noise cancelling system and is very effective
in reducing the background noise at LF. Installation is simple - it is
just fitted in the speaker lead. I was able to copy EA2HB on the
speaker during my QSO with him on the first day of the year. Strong
static crashes do bypass it but nevertheless it is much less wearing
than monitoring for any length of time without it.
The GW4ALG noise limiter is fine provided there are no strong stations
within the noise sampling passband.
Peter, G3LDO
About the ANC-4, it does not work well in LF. I recommend the noise
canceler by GW4ALG, it works fine!
Look at the following link:
73 Oscar
From: "Michael Oexner" <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2011 11:29 PM
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Timewave ANC-4
Hi all,
Does anybody sell a used Timewave ANC-4 or point me to any offers? Noise
situation is getting worse here, so time to try something.
vy 73 + gd DX,