Markus Vester pisze:
Thanks a lot, those are the best captures so far this season. Also
Dex in North Carolina received good traces from Ossi's "5" and my "NM".
Going to longer symbols (actually 82 s dots, 245s dashes) probably
helped. I also dared to squeeze another 1.5 dB from the TX, giving
about 340 mW EMRP last night. I did attend the overnight transmission
by setting up my bunk in the shack ;-)
Hello Markus,
having some spare time i just finished a construction of another
buffer/amplifier ( a simple LC network, J310 , BC109C ).
unfortunately, i live in a downtown area which is not the best place for
LF/RX purposes. Also, it is too cold outside (-11C) to be on the balkony
'play' with the wires being thrown outside i took my w3dzz
antenna instead. After some "harmonizing process" between the SL and SDR-IQ
i was extremely happy to see your "NM" letters at 136.1775 kHz (in the
attached file the time is UTC , dec.27th)
{it is my first reception of ur signal)
73 , Piotr, sq7mpj
qth: Lodz /jo91rs/
