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Re: LF: Re: LF: Re: RE: Full ID

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Re: LF: Re: RE: Full ID
From: "Jean-Pierre Méré (F1AFJ)" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 18:11:58 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
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Sender: [email protected]
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Hi Ossy ,

Ganz von accod mit Ihnen Ossy , für meinen Teil werde ich
die Methode beacon mit nur einem Brief fortsetzen !

Gut Feste 73 Jean-Pierre f1afj

Le 23/12/2010 15:46, [email protected] a écrit :
hallo lfer,s
bin  immer dankbar fuer eure comentare am reflektor ,
leider hat sich einiges geaendert seit 1999,
damals hatten wir das nicht ,
hatte in normal cw 17 laender ,
angetroffen ohne reflector und pc,
und mehr als 200 qso,s heute streitet man sich ueber die ID,
die paar oms die qrv sind denken sich ihren teil,
die meisten halten ihre qso,s ueber den reflektor ,
wissen die wenigsten wie schwierig es ist als "amateur"
nicht als profi ,ein gutes  signal
zustande zu bringen .
wenn ich hier mitlese bin ich der einzige amateur ,
habe das thema nicht studiert bin von beruf schlosser ,
oft denke ich  ich gehoere hier nicht dazu ,
also macht das ganze nicht zu schwierig ,
sonst werden die ID bald leichter fallen weils nicht mehr so viele gibt .
73  schoene weihnachten oe5odl

Chris wrote:
Hi Rik,
The idea is fine. But, the problems I have with this are (1) Stations
always notify us who they are and what they are up to (Mike, G3XDV, is a

perfect example of how it should be done, keeping us FULLY informed),
(2) is where I agree with Stefan, what about listeners (lookers) who are
on this refelector? Two letters are of little use to them. I know two
stations near me who look on 137 but are not on here - for various
You just can't beat a full callsign, even if you do sometimes only get
snatches of it. As it is, stations are often 'identified' by frequency
very dubious visual evidence!
Chris, G4AYT.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rik Strobbe"<[email protected]>
To:<[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 10:04 AM
Subject: LF: RE: Full ID

Hello Mike, all,

for propagation test purposes (sound much better than beaconing) all we
is an unambiguous identification. A single character will lead to
but 2 characters should do the job.
So what about using the 2 last characters of the callsign ?
That would make most ID's more or less of the same length.
G3XDV would use "DV", OR7T would use "7T", DF6NM would use "NM" and so
I cannot see any conflicts right now (= 2 stations active in propagation

tests with identical 2 last characters).
Is national law requires a full id it can always be send in 12WMP CW.

73, Rik  ON7YD - OR7T

Van: [email protected] [owner-rsgb_lf_group@blacksheep.
namens Mike Dennison [[email protected]]
Verzonden: woensdag 22 december 2010 17:52
Aan: [email protected]
Onderwerp: LF: Full ID

OK, it seems that most people want full suffixes to be sent. I
believe I had good reasons to use a short ID, but I am happy to go
along with the majority view.

Of course the final straw was Mal threatening not to talk to me!

Beacon tonight (in addition to, and not instead of, real QSOs) will
be on 136.177kHz, 'XDV' synchronised with the start of each hour.

73 de Mike

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