Thanks for that service, Laurence. I shall be transmitting on
136.3182kHz for the next few days at 0500, 0600 and 0700.
Initially this will be at QRSS120, but I would prefer to use QRSS60
(you mentioned faster than 90s dots) as this is closer to a usable
QSO speed.
Mike, G3XDV
> ill have the Alaska snapper pointed towards Europe over the next week
> - the window will be circa 136.318/320 dot 90 (maybe faster later) -
> Given the mutual darkness period tis best the last 4 hours pre Eu
> dawn, given past openings
> Please note the window will switch later to another frequency window
> once Western Europe is all lit up.
> Please also be aware that the path is very dynamic crossing two
> Auroral belts. The service isnt guaranteed given the dodgy internet
> and heavy snows.
> Laurence KL 7 UK BP51IP