Yes, it will be interesting night, I think. I am just listening to "PAT" on 499,760kHz. The RTS is 569, good signal. I have recorded it on my mp3 player.
> Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 16:58:18 +0000
> From:
[email protected]> To:
[email protected]> Subject: LF: PAT 499.7 Feld-Hell and CW
> On a whim I thought I'd look around the band - it's Halloween and
> there's previous "form" where illicit transmissions are concerened in
> theis area of the spectrum I think a lot of old R/Os like to fire up on
> MF for old time's sake every now and again!
> I found something earlier this afternoon on approx 499.7kHz - a
> Feld-Hell transmission, "HELLOWEEN PAT" followed by "PAT" in CW.
> It's fading a bit now, up and down, as darkness falls.
> I've attached a small screenshot from Multipsk.
> Anyone else care to look/listen? Makes a change from WSPRing!
> cheers,
> John
> Clousta, Shetland
> IP90gg