Congratulations on this Scott and I know how much work you both put into this qso.
I followed the "chat" this morning on review (!) and had difficulty decyphering your signal as it was huge at some points, and should have turned the gain down.
Get some sleep!
The antennae are back up, so is the Internet and if you like early snow on your antennae this is one of the places to be :-))
Laurence KL7 UK Wasilla Alaska BP5I eye pee
> Subject: [Lowfer] JA/VE7 QSO Completed - FINALLY! > > Finally! After months of trying, our gear, conditions and most of all > our XYL's patience all worked together to produce a QSO! > > JA7NI (DFCW30) and VE7TIL (DFCW60) completed a trans-pacific QSO on > 2200m this morning a first between Canada and Japan. CN89dk to QM09fl > is 7162km.