Hi All
The grabber antenna system has been reconfigured and now sports two
45.72m (150') loops mounted orthogonally to each other. The loops are
hung in a K9AY configuration however, they are not yet setup as a K9AY
type array. The plan is to configure it into a K9AY array as configured
for LF by W1VD. Presently they are resonated and a dual coax feed runs
back to the shack where they are phased by a VK5BR phaser box modified
for 2200m use.
The loops are oriented NE/SW and NW/SE.
The grabber will be on the NW/SE loop until further notice to assist in
trans-pacific testing with stations in Japan. This will affect the
DCF39 plot, but due to the closing window of darkness not much from
DCF39 is expected over the summer months at this location.
If anyone has some good information on how to calibrate the bearing of
an electronically steered null would save me alot of time figuring it
out from scratch.
tu es 73
VE7TIL - CN89dk