----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 4:45 PM
Subject: 9 kcs
If I get time and a NOV for 9 kcs my proposed
approach for TX would be an IC 706 on 900 kcs divided by 100/driver chip TC
4427 and a couple of FETS class D for an output of a few hundred watts, designed
for 50 ohms, 50 ohm coax to antenna 200 feet away from shack as at present for
137 and 500 kcs.
Use the existing 1/4 wave inv L for 500 plus 2
additional ones same spec all in parallel and base loaded by inductor to
resonate on 9 kcs, use existing ground radial system not too elaborate. Antenna
height is approx 100 ft vertical and the rest to make up the 1/4 wave
is horizontal.
The speculators, gamblers and dreamers might be
able to guess what distance I might cover.
Let me compare your figures !!
Assume pwr to be 400 watts at base of
Using 9 kcs figure for convenience, but 8970 kcs
would prob be the qrg
de mal/g3kev