>>Niels - And very
impressive it is. Could you give us some idea of the
>> antenna(s) in use? Are there individual antennas for each band, or is
>> some form of wide band receiving antenna?
>We have a single
antenna for all the bands, a 80m longwire, mainly
>because the WebSDR hardware has only one input for its entire 0..30MHz
Very impressive Niels, my 200uW ERP signal
was Spotted 3 times last night.
2010-01-20 04:30 G3ZJO 0.503841 -25 0 IO92ng +17 0.050 TWENTE/SDR JO32kf 527 327
2010-01-20 02:40 G3ZJO 0.503838 -23 0 IO92ng +17 0.050 TWENTE/SDR JO32kf 527 327
2010-01-20 00:30 G3ZJO 0.503833 -29 0 IO92ng +17 0.050 TWENTE/SDR JO32kf 527 327
Not my best DX on the band but that is
2,635000 Km, 1,635000 Miles per Watt of ERP to your 80m Longwire and SDR.
Unfortunately my indicated power level
+17dBm 50mW is merely an arbitrary figure, hard coded as WSPR does not cope
with the actual power.