"Y" RA3YO readable dfcw 137778.05/.15 and
"WPF" 137778.75/.85 Nice and clear into Bohai Bay this
early morning (its 0430 local) - DCF39 sitting at S3 to S5,
same for Budapest which is its normal couple of dBs stronger. MSFSK type RTTY
signal around 135.8 ish Khz is S2. QRN is low, kicking up the meter to S3
Im also seeing weak 2 min period transmissions on my
502.4 dial spectrum out put and Ill keep my beady bloodshots on that
Wheres the coffee...
Still lower strength signals being somewhat offset my
the very low QRN levels.
Laurence KL 1 X in BY3A OM89UA
Tanggu China
Temp PA0RDT probe on fishing pole, R75.
Snappers on