I cannot understand why a ham would use a Marconi loaded vertical or a
dipole... Too much work...
Yes, the LOOP is always more quiet than a wire terminated in space that
picks up electrostatics in the near field just super efficiently...
But it is not as quiet as a dummy load, UNLESS you do some phasing and
amping with a 2nd or even 3rd 'noise' antenna...
Exhibit #1 www.radiocom.net/600M/LOOP109.jpg
I have no idea why I would ever go back to a conventional wire antenna (
dipoles - verticals ) with lossy loading coils, lossy ground, super high
voltages, wires that hang up in the trees, etc...
The poorer the ground the better it's performance...
This LOOP works DX on every band from 500khz. to 6 Meters... Havn't tried
2M yet...
It's the only antenna I need any more...
Ref: Bill Ashlock and all the fine work he did...
Good luck, the DX will be there and you will be a happy looper...
Works good on horizontal too, on horizontal signals... NG on 500 etc...
73s from Dave @ WD2XSH/17
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeffrey Herman" <[email protected]>
To: "600 Meter Research Group" <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 8:44 PM
Subject: 600MRG> T or F?
KG9OM, in detailing his 160M loop antenna states:
"Although I'm not convinced, most hams who use loops often claim that a
loop is less susceptible to atmospheric and man-made noise."
(See: http://www.dxzone.com/cgi-bin/dir/jump2.cgi?ID=7489)
I believe he's comparing the loop to a dipole here.
Jeff KH6O
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