Good on Ya, John...
Wondered if you were away... This #4 wire loop lives inside of 100'
sections of good garden hose...
The hopefully high resistance pine brances are good stakes @ 70+ feet...
Actually, the only high voltage points are here in the shack where it meets
it's variable vacuum cap and coupling...
So far no tree fires...
'G'... Thats the answer fer sure... Effective height... The only sound
loop advice I ever got before Bill Ashloop era usta be, the MOST real ESTATE
( square footage ) inside the loop as possible...
I'm hoping to see how long this one will last as I place new and improved
'parasitic' loops in the near field ( parralell ) becoming critical coupled
in the hopes of lowering this ubiquitious 'R' value... If we only had some
negative resistant paint...
Finally rationalized why all the big time 600M stations were on the salty
water coast... Although you can notice the attenuation even 3 miles in from
the beach here, the 23KV 3 phase lines that go by here on the way sure looks
like a long terminated beveredge to me pointed straight on the great circle
to EU...
Duty free gift, I recon... Now for the QRN reduction program... You
cracked the code OK on better and best digi weak sigs detectors...
WSPR making good show from EU lately... Must get QSO version... If only
peanut whistle 20 watters could fly...
Until the sound of,
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Andrews" <[email protected]>
To: "Discussion of the Lowfer (US, European, & UK) and MedFer bands"
<[email protected]>; "600MRG" <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 5:00 PM
Subject: 600MRG> XGR/3 Antenna
After being off the air since an ice storm on December 11-12, it looks
like WE2XGR/3 is again among the living. The big loop is oddly shaped, but
it does take power. There's not much that can be done for the tangle at
the upper eastern end, though! After removing several large branches from
the western side over the last two months, at least that end is roughly at
normal height. It remains to be seen how stable the shape will be, as
there are a number of badly damaged trees involved in holding it up.
I'm guessing that the performance at 500 kHz won't be much worse than the
original setup, so XGR/3 will be the focus for the limited evening time I
have available at this point. The insulation on the #4 THHN wire is in
tough shape, and there are lots of new and strange points of contact to
the trees, so unattended operation won't be a good idea.
WE2XGR/3 will be running MFSK16 on 508.500 kHz tonight from 0000 to 0200,
and then we'll see if USB still works on 510.
John Andrews, W1TAG
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