Hello Serge, Roman & LF
not bad. 3350km is now my really furthest distance.
Thank you very much for the interesting capture.
Serge, if you are interested in any other QSL please let me know.
Here some Infos about the station:
Call: DI2AT
Operator: Roland DL3NDR
QTH: Neunkirchen a. B. / Nürnberg
Locator: JN59NO
TX: Software Defined Transmitter of SoftRock
Sofware: Spectrum Lab, MULIPSK, MixW, Audio Editor, Audio player
PA: CB-PA, adapted to 500kHz ; 70W
Antenna: inverted L, 50m, 10m high; 1W ERP
Roman, thank you for the QSL management.
73 Roland DL3NDR/DI2AT
Roman RW3ADB schrieb:
Hi Walter, Roland & LF!
DI2AG was rx'd into MO07QC at 3-nov-2008 by Serg RA9CUA.
DI2AT 100% readable too.
Non-symmetric dipol for 80 m's band & FT857
The beacon is on air now on 505.090 with 1,5W ERP and QRSS3.
73 Walter DI2AG / DJ2LF