Hi LF!
SM6BHZ audible on 504.5 in Moscow now!
RST 539!!! for CW ID with QSB.
The simplest primitive set-up in use for RX!
19m long wire+ft897!
The sound from radio transit to computer via speaker and microphone!
Therefore I hear a CW signal aside from 503.95 when I look to G3XIZ.
Here is a WAV's with audio BHZ signal and screen-shots:
http://qrss.nm.ru/22mar2008_BHZ/BHZ1.wav ---2.55 Mb
http://qrss.nm.ru/22mar2008_BHZ/BHZ.wav ---1.6 Mb
I was sure b4 that in my condition not real received audible CW on 500
Roman RW3ADB.
PS- DI2AM audible too. but RST 335 maximum. some CW and QRSS-3.