Yes, I agree Mal
Sending long "initial calls" sometimes during low-activity periods would at
least give others something to listen to.
Worked GI3PDN and GI4DPE X-band two days ago. GI4DPE is using a small 5 metre
tall antenna atm. so it was a challenge in the QSB. GI3PDN was quite strong in
QSB peaks.
I wouldn't mind adding some activity on 600m myself but our authorities are
unfortunately still not of that opinion. They have not yet made any official
statements on the matter after the new GMDSS resolution was agreed in
WRC-07.(The part of interest in the resolution was no mentioning of 500kHz as
an emergency traffic QRG anymore).
600m condx tonight seem much better than yesterday, already a faint copy here of
GI4DPE's initial calls and it is only 18.00UTC.
Don't give up 600m now, there will be only one chance to secure a slice of it
before the commercials are dictating the rules.
73's to all LF
Paul-Henrik / OH1LSQ
Quoting mal <[email protected]>:
> All at lf/mf acty vy low, even the reflector has dried up.
> Mal/G3KEV