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Re: LF: [137] Grabber , Europ and America

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: [137] Grabber , Europ and America
From: Wolfgang Büscher <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 18:50:52 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
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User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)

Hello Jean-Pierre,

Thanks for running the grabber (which I frequently visited in the past weeks). I don't think that the dynamic range of the spectrum display in SpecLab has changed that much,
but there may be some points to consider:

- use one of the FFT windows with a large stopband attenuation.
There is a nice comparison of different FFT windows here:

( -> the "Hann" window is ok, but avoid the "Rectangular" window).

- reduce the soundcard volume (if you use a soundcard for input) so the maximum peak level stays at least 6 dB below the clipping level (use one of the "monitor scopes" to see this).

- the noiseblanker may help to reduce the effect of "dog-boning" if the strong signal uses hard on/off-keying (quite likely for class-C amplifiers).

Besides that, V2.71 "beta 3" is available, but I wouldn't recommend it for unattended operation because it is not thoroughly tested (yet). Murphy will make sure it will crash only after something interesting appeared on the screen ;-)

All the best for 2008 to everyone,
Cheers, Wolf .

Jean-Pierre Méré schrieb:
Hello  all on LF ,

For better managing the strong signals , I passed the grabber to the
version 2.7b20 of SpectrunLab ( thank you Wolf for this splendid tool )
 I hope for that I did not make errors, that seems to function correctly
until there! one will be fixed tomorrow !

grabber at :

73 Jean-Pierre  f1afj   JN06ht

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