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LF: di2be beacon

To: 137khz <>
Subject: LF: di2be beacon
From: Piotr Młynarski <>
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 23:11:50 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7.2) Gecko/20040804 Netscape/7.2 (ax)
Helllo Uwe, LF
I am very happy to report my FIRST 500khz RX. As i still finish my 137 khz antennae i did not have any kind of antenna for 500khz i joined this LF group few days ago and saw that the number of "500 khz" posts exceeds that one of "137khz" so i decided 2 days ago to fix quickly indoor antenna i.e several turns of wire on a square-shape paper box resulting in inductance of abt 0.580 mH series tuned with variable capacitor and raising impedance ferrite transformer. i put this antenna into my 746pro trx and the rest is obvious. antenna is "sitting" on the carpet in the middle of the room yesterday you posted mail concerning the DI2BE beacon so i used your frequency of 505.140 khz and the result is attached as the jpg screen capture frm spectran. also below you will see the DI2AM beacon transmitting actually on higer freq abt 505.183 kHz ( "left" injection) anyway, Uwe , i am very happy ( almost like a kid, hi hi) to get my first observation of radioamateur actvity on 500 khz it happend it was "your" beacon
my loc jo91rs  so it gives abt 700km
73,peter,sq7mpj p.s. originally, this post contained bigger picture and was sent to Uwe who pointed out the max size of attached pictures .sri and tnx for this remark
i hope this time it reaches the LF group.   ( first thing first.....)

JPEG image

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