137kHz: Nothing to report. I'll run no captures until next weekend.
500 kHz: Captured WE2XGR/2 on 506.5 kHz 01:00-02:55. Solid copy and
less fading the last 30 minutes of the transmission. On 505.75 was
a good trace of the CW beacon WD2XSH/17 on the slower screens. On the
CW-screen I copied only very few signs just after 02:00. I noted some
UNID signals around 507.5 kHz 02:20-02:25 and at 03:29 on 506.64 kHz.
Captured another UNID signal on about 506.3 at 01:53 and 02:20. The
UNIDs on 507.5 kHz and 506.3 kHz are probably CW stations visible on
the QRSS3 captures.
I made a signal plot of the EU-beacons 18:00-14:00 UTC on 505 kHz and
of the UK beacon G0MRF on 503.7kHz.
Captures and signal plots can be seen here:
Locator: JO52hp