Several weeks ago following a request for comments in preparation for a
meeting with Ofcom, I received a number of useful inputs from holders of the
500kHz NoV. The meeting was the standard quarterly Ofcom/RSGB Forum that
covers, as one might expect, a wide range of issues.
I reported on how UK amateurs are getting on with their 500kHz NoVs and made
a strong plea for an increase in the permitted ERP level as well as an
extension to the period of the NoV. This was well taken, albeit without
immediate feedback. Ofcom explained that they need to take note of the
forthcoming WRC07 where the IMO are making a strong pitch for re-use of the
area around 500kHz, however, given that any implementation of new
allocations could be lengthy there could be a window for further
experimental use. There was also some indication that they might agree to an
increase in ERP.
So at this stage we have put our case for greater ERP and a longer duration
for the NoV; Ofcom have heard our case and will respond in due course. Now
is not the time to start building that QRO TX!
I would like to thank all who responded to my call for input and comments,
in particular to John, GM4SLV and Jim, M0BMU.
73 John, G3WKL
RSGB HF Manager