skip distance ??
On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 05:27:36 -0800 "Laurence KL1X"
<[email protected]> writes:
> What ho - we are down in Singapore apartment hunting (no way can we
> afford a
> house here by the looks of it....)
> Ive thrown out the LF probe out of the hotel balcony - into the
> SDRIQ, and
> its a cut of a thousand lightning strokes...can barely hear Loran
> this
> evening.
> Its been poor weather here for the past few days so little chance of
> dx.
> Any one done any short studies of lightning emfs' at different
> freqs? - Ive
> read a few saying most/some of the power is at VLF, stroke
> source/target,
> length and angle dependant, but Im definately seeing a cut at around
> >400Khz
> - below this the noise rises to be pretty flat but above 400Khz its
> amplitude is generally many dbs/octave down - this just due to
> propagational
> modes?
> Doesnt seem to matter day or night too much - perhaps my probe has
> some
> issues, but I see the same on most antennae....
> Cheers
> Laurence
> Singapore, rainy, stormy....
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