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Re: LF: Re: more castle

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Re: more castle
From: Wolf DL4YHF <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2007 10:13:39 +0100
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Hi Uwe,

Thanks for the observation ...

seems there grows a problem: I cant see any gap btwn the letters
C and Q, D and K, K and 4, 4 and U.  but btwn Q and D es U and K
the gaps are O.K. so you will find out how to implement the gaps
btwn the other letters as well.

Ok, no problem to add a short gap between *all* letters, and a larger gap between *words*. But the result would be very similar to DFCW; while CASTLE doesn't need these spaces in most occasions (where you recognize the begin of a new letter because the first "dash" or "dot" is closest to the reference). For example, having no gap between "C" and "Q" (etc) is no problem - it just saves precious time in the TA business ;-). Anyway for the sake of readability I will add the short gap between *any* combination of letters now to keep things simple.

Have a nice weekend everyone,

73, Wolf DL4YHF

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