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Re: LF: VLF observations

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: VLF observations
From: Scott Tilley <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2006 14:09:08 -0800
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Dixon, NPG on about 55KHz has also shut down... They went off a couple of days ago... Something new but much weaker on 54KHz with a wider MSK signal.

73 Scott

Wolf DL4YHF wrote:
Seasons greetings everyone,

Just got everything geared up for the SAQ "christmas" transmission (17.2 kHz on 8:00 UTC today).
At the moment, no signal yet, but another observation:
The German Navy have already shut down DHO38 (23.4 kHz) for christmas. Or they are listening for SAQ too, and don't want to block their own receivers ;-)

CUL (in CW on LF),

73, Wolf DL4YHF .

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