Hello Dick.
If it's simplicity: performance, then it's hard to beat Johan's DDS
using the AD9832.
I once did a PCB for that which included all sorts of filtering and PSK
modulation. But if you leave off all that optional stuff it really comes down
to 4 components.
1) A PIC controller
2) The DDS
3) A buffer amp
4) An LCD display.
No boards left now but it can be built on small pitch
Note that in the final version of my PCB apx 60% of the board area /
components are not required for simple applications.
Good to see you getting results with the TX
In a message dated 16/08/2006 06:21:27 GMT Standard Time,
knaap159@zonnet.nl writes:
I thouht to have seen a PLL design by IK2PII or
an other I-station for 136kHz which uses rather simple
Unfortunatly I lost the schematic, and can't find
it back on internet either.
I've found a design from OK1DX, but I have
troubles to print the schematic diagram, it will not fit on one
Dick, pa4vhf