to print whatever picture you find on the web on whatever size you like:
1. put the mouse on the picture, click right and select "copy"
2. paste the picture in WORD (or another application)
3. resize the picture to the size you need and print the document
Eventually use landscape format
73, Rik ON7YD - OR7T
Quoting Dick <[email protected]>:
Found it at g3yxm''s site, but the schematic is too large to fit on
my screen, and to print it on din A4
which is normal size paper here.
Anyone has this schematic in pdf or at least in such a way that it does fit ?
Dick, pa4vhf
tried to make 136.5kHz by divinding 3,2768 by 12 (I need 2x136.5 =
273kHz) but have problems to
get an 7493 running as divide by 12
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