Alan's post makes me wonder if it is possible...
As a "consolation prize" daylight paths of 1000 to 2000km, should improve
by about 10 dBs on Tuesday and possibly also Wednesday. Any observations
these effects would be interesting.
For those within 1000-2000 Km of VY1JA:
The beacon is currently operating 24/7 on ~137778.4, so for Tue/Wed,
try for captures during the daylight as well. I am curious to see if a
daylight path is possible with a little help from the solar weather.
I have copied VE7SL during the winter, in daylight hours and sent the
capture to him. I do not remember if solar weather was a part of that or
not, but, if I am not mistaken, he was using the same 100 Watt transmitter
which I am now borrowing.