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Re : LF: Top load coil at ground level?

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re : LF: Top load coil at ground level?
From: Dick Rollema <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 10:19:53 +0200
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To All from PA0SE

The article mentioned by Kevin is titled Increased Radiating Efficiency for Short Antennas - A Tuned-Top System for Amateur Frequencies.
I happen to possess 1934 QST and I will be happy to send a copy of the article by e-mail to anyone interested. There are 4 pages and total size of the attachments is 1.12MB.

Thanks to Kevin for the hint.

73, Dick, PA0SE

 Hello all,
 As a matter of interest, R B Dome authored an article on this subject in the September 1934 issue of QST. Also, he credits his IRE co-author Nickle, W2ETH as the inventer of this antenna.
Understandably, the same diagrams as Dick attached to his original posting also appear.
Kevin,  ZL4MD
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