Dear all,
I have put another incarnation of PA0RDT's mini-whip on the roof of
SP5ZCC school building. It's only ca. 2-3m above the roof, ca. 15m above
the ground, so I do not expect wonders, but who knows. It's been raining
last Sunday, so I decided to leave it there and go back, I hope to
elevate it ca.10m up when time and weather allow. In priniciple it
works, though I remember the DCF39 signal to be stronger (against noise)
when using the LF transmitter's Marconi antenna. It's of course strong
Pictures are saved since a few days at;O=D , though the
noise level is rather high last times, even the Chayka lines are not so
clear, they appear clearly only during mornings. The MV-61 receiver has
the VFO slightly unstable, thus since yesterday I turned on a marker at
137.780 - it shows both the frequency drift as well as - indirectly -
the noise floor (the AGC is on). The marker is from GF-62 signal
generator, it's rather stable. I will leave the whole setup running
during next few days, maybe just change the resolution for the weekend.
Or maybe even try to be active as SP0TPAX again, but Easter is a family
holiday in Poland, so it will rather be a limited activity...
BTW I would be grateful, if anybody could tell me whether it is at all
possible to link the two units, Praecitronic MV-61 & GF-62. GF-62 has
the 4-6MHz output, MV-61 has the ext. VFO input in the same frequency
range, though linking these doesn't work. MV-61 is meant to be working
with GF-61, not 62. This would make the frequency stability way better...
Happy Easter and 73! Marek SQ5BPM