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Re: LF: WD2XGJ Reports

To: rsgb lf reflector <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: WD2XGJ Reports
From: Jean-Pierre Godet <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 08:48:32 +0200 (CEST)
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On Sat, 29 Apr 2006, Warren K2ORS/WD2XGJ wrote:

       Thanks to Jean-Pierre F!AFJ, Jean-Pierre F5YG, Hartmut, Alan G3NYK,
Roelof PA0RDT, and J.B. VE3EAR for the reports and captures. Its because of such a dedicated and diligent group of amateurs that I keep transmiting.

  Your reports are appreciated!

No, thank you so much to you, Warren, and to all the operators of part 5 experimental radio stations in the United States and the stations beaconing in Canada, particulary Joe VO1NA. And also to Hartmut, G3NYK, PA0RDT, VE3EAR, F1AFJ, and others listening for their patience, perseverance and technical skill, helping us to let the waterhole alive. It is for us the oportunity to study the propagation in this part of the spectrum, and to try to improve our receiving conditions. Many thanks to You !

  Best 73, a good Sunday to all on the reflector.

  Jean-Pierre - F5YG

P.S. : by the way, the other Jean-Pierre, my friend F1AFJ, is "out of office" for three days. His last report was yesteday morning, the next one will be on Tuesday 2 nd morning.

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