> I'm planning to built a bit stronger station for 136kHz to take with
> me to LX later this year............
> Dick, PA4VHF
The biggest problem experienced by DXpeditions is being able to
receive. Many have been good signals but have been unable to work
more than a few strong stations because of noise pick-up on the
transmit antenna.
With a good antenna, you will not need a great amount of power, so it
is best not to spend too much time n the Tx (except to make it 'bomb-
proof' so it does not fail when presented with an odd load
The time saved can then be spent on constructing a loop antenna that
can be located away from the operating position. This can be used to
null out any unexpected local QRM. Remember to de-tune the Tx antenna
(eg disconnect the earth) when using the Rx antenna. An alternative
receive antenna is the EWE.
Looking forward to adding LX to my log.
73 de Mike, G3XDV