Hello Walter (DJ2LF, to avoid confusion),
just an idea: is it possible to insert a steady carrier (10 sec. or so)
every 1 or 2 minutes. That could make it easier to tune into the signal.
As you mention the PSK signal has a 10 Hz bandwidth, what means that the
power is "smeared" over this 10 Hz and the weak PSK signal is
difficult to detect with ARGO.
73, Rik ON7YD
At 16:45 3/11/2005 +0100, you wrote:
thanks for the screenshot. At what time did you take it? The modulator
and the software was built by Markus, DF6NM, and installed at about 22utc
yesterday evening. I think the weak signal cannot be DI2AG, because it
should be seen exactly at the ref. sig. and the bandwidth is about +/-
Thanks for testing, Walter.
73 Walter
- -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
- Von: Walter Blanchard
<[email protected]>
- An:
[email protected]
<[email protected]>
- Datum: Donnerstag, 3. November 2005 11:16
- Betreff: LF: Re: DI2AG
- Walter,
- Is this is you about 1.5 Hz high ?
- Too weak to decode on PSK 31.
- Walter G3JKV IO91UF.
- ----- Original Message -----
- From: Walter
- Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 11:33 PM
- Subject: LF: DI2AG
- Dear friends,
- DI2AG on
440.044KHz is now transmitting in PSK31 with 0.4W ERP. Your reports are
- 73 Walter DJ2LF
