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Re: LF: Out off topics: Candlelight test

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Out off topics: Candlelight test
From: Marek SQ5BPM <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005 20:43:20 +0100
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Hello everybody,

Okay then, I didn't plan it, but for those interested, I will also beacon throughout this night from SP5ZCC, in a similar way DK1IS does, until the Candlelight starts tomorrow. Here 100mW, QRSS3 at 1919.19 kHz into an inverted vee. I will start when I come back to the club, i.e. around 2030z. All reports will be greatly appreciated!

73! Marek SQ5BPM

P.S. I may temporarily turn off the beacon from time to time this evening to check for DK1IS signal.

Thomas Kölpin wrote:
Hello dear lf group,
to whom it may concern: I´ve just (20051119-1700 utc) started my candlelight beacon for a pre-test on 1919,200 / 1919.202 kHz with 10 mW rf at my 13-m-marconi ant, DFCW 10, double space, 3 seconds gap. Text: dk1is jn59wk 10mw , followed by fast cw id dk1is with 15 bpm. At 20051120-0800 utc I´ll change to the usual codeword transmission. If you happen to see/hear anything I would be glad to get a report! Vy 73 es cuagn
Tom, DK1IS

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