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LF: Re: Wellbrook ALA-1530 active loop

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Re: Wellbrook ALA-1530 active loop
From: Alberto di Bene <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 14:55:51 +0200
Delivery-date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 13:56:45 +0100
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Are there specific words that trigger the anti-spam policy of this reflector ?
I tried two times to answer Alan's message, but apparently both messages have
been silently discarded... if this one makes through, I will try to reword
the one that got discarded...

73  Alberto  I2PHD

Alan Melia wrote:
Hi Alberto, well the guys on the AOR 7030 group seem to rate it as well, but
what are they comparing it with ?? that is the question. Surely there is not
much secret in loops these days, but when I looked at some of these aerials
I found that there were no definitive measurements.

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