Hi Mal,
your balloons probably were a bit old, they become porous with the
years. But that is no problem, you just have to cook them a few minutes
in boiling water (no joke!) and they are fine again - even after many
years. We never had problems during our activities (DL0ART/am) except
once when we probably didn't stir enough...
HTH, gl, Oliver (DL9QJ, N3NSF, ex DL0ART/am team)
[Dr. Oliver Welp, DL9QJ, N3NSF
hamilton mal schrieb:
Hi All
I got a couple of met balloons a while back and decided to inflate
them for LF airborne activities but it was a big
disappointment, although new they seem to be porous and the gas
escaped within a couple of hours. Perhaps met balloons are porous so
that when they achieve the object they deflate and drop to earth in a
short period of time.
Where can I get a big ex govt barrage balloon?
73 de Mal/G3KEV