David and all.
I had the joy of hearing it for the first time this morning. My S-meter
rises from S1 or 2 to S8 in a CW bandwidth with the nasty clacking noise
that reminds me of the GU trip! CW operation if definitely finished from
here once that stays on.
I haven't tried QRSS yet.
A loop may help for some signals but it'll be no good for US reception
because Rugby is almost due East of here.
Looks like it's back to topband for me...
Dave G3YXM.
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of [email protected]
Sent: 23 June 2005 09:46
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Loran
CQ Dave G3YXM........What's it like in Birmingham (20 miles
from the Rugby Loran site) ?
In a message dated 23/06/2005 08:41:10 GMT Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:
Here's a pic of Loran as seen here just
south of London.
Raw 100 kHz RF in a 10 kHz bandwidth and linear volts.
No AGC or limiting. Rugby amplitude changes occasionally
- guess they're tuning the system.
"Ghost" pulses are Lessay on its dual-rate.