Hello Jim, LFers,
Thanks for clarifying the issues about my loop...I
really am greatful to all
who have offered suggestions...you and the gang
here are a great bunch
of fellows with plenty of experience to tap
Regarding the tuning of the loop, it is quite
sharp, so at least I don't have
to worry about that aspect. I'll be trying
out the transformer approach in
a day or two...I've got it wound, but the
weather is a bit wet for outdoors
activity at the moment. I used a core from a
SMPS, with taps on both
primary and seconday so I can try out different
I think I'll put together a preamp too, as
even if the rig isn't too bad at LF,
it wouldn't hurt to have a little boost. Your
design which is shown in the
new book "LF Today" looks interesting, as I want to
be able to use the
loop for NDB DXing, Lowfer monitoring, and of
course on 136 kHz.
Thanks again & 73, J.B.