Hi Hartmut, the plot I have for CFH last night is very interesting. I think
the shock front from the coronal hole arrived about midnight or slightly
later. CFH went off air for a period around 2400z be when it can back
received levels were subject to a lot of very rapid "flutter fading" like
you report on Joe. I think this may be due to the shock front exciting waves
in the ionoshereic layers which "resonate" with many different "modes". This
is the first event where I have a signal log of the effect taking place. The
shorter period oscillations seem to die out first, which has the effect of
showing a steadily lengthening fading period as the days pass after a
collision. This idea is pure surmise and may be totally wrong, but after
this event I must say it looks convincing. Plot attached above
Cheers de Alan G3NYK
----- Original Message -----
From: "Hartmut Wolff" <[email protected]>
To: "Jay Rusgrove" <[email protected]>
Sent: 05 April 2005 16:04
Subject: Re: LF: TA APR 4/5
In the opposite direction I had a brief copy of Warren, WD2XGJ around
0200z and copied Joe, VO1NA "O" 2300-0100/0400-0500z. VO1NA was present
the whole night but with a lot of rapid fadings.
Nothing else copied.
Captures can be seen here:
> Poor conditions, but low noise, did not yield much other than a few
sightings of DRP.
> Jay, W1VD
