Thanks for the help everyone.
I'm happy to see that my TX-signal is good; so I don't have to bother about
that anymore.
Well, I had quite high noiselevel that morning, so that might explain why I
couldn't hear
the stations calling me.
I was using the TX-antenna for reception, certainly not the best, but as
least it is something.
As receiver I have an AOR AR7030plus, which has good sensitivety and strong
signal handling.
I do realize that from reception point of view my station isn't that good,
and next project will
focus on that, especially the RX-antenna.
However, I'm quite busy with other things, so it might take some time before
I have
better 'ears'
Meanwhile I will be QRV from time to time.
The only permanent thing is the TX-antenna; all other stuff has to be build
up every time
I want to operate. (my car is my shack...)
CU on 136
Dick, PA4VHF