What a bum. Too bad to didn't have an Ashlock loop with you and
authority to run a transmitter. Ah the good life huh???
Laurence KL1X wrote:
As much as I wished it I saw nothing but Loran lines last night, and
they were pretty broken up most of the night too.
DCF39 wasnt audible at all which is a bad start.
Post Mexico posts
http://myweb.cableone.net/flow/xejpg.jpg Shows the best reception
from the car of part 5 stations xfx,xes,xgj and xdw, ranging from
2000-2800Kms or so taken this past week from the Carribean coast in
Mexico EL60, but Im sure there were stronger captures but I was
lazing elsewhere then.
http://myweb.cableone.net/flow/xesmall.jpg Shows the ideal location,
well nearly ideal, and the "array" on the roof of the vehicle.
Laurence KL1X/5 em26aq