Hallo Markus and All,
Markus, for the exact frequency. I tuned 1Hz higher and hope to be close to
the 440,044KHz now (exactly 440,04413?).
73 Walter
Dear Walter and MF
I am currently reading the frequency of DI2AG as 440043.16
(+- 0.03) Hz. But this may vary slightly according to the temperature in your
shack ;-)
I also saw three NDB carriers around 440
440001.5 "pia" (modulation +-1023.5 Hz) 439997.9
weak unid (no modulation sidebands found) 439991.5 "dre" (carrier
neg. keying "fw", mod. +-1020.0 Hz)
Good luck Markus
Exact frequency follows as soon as Markus DF6NM has measured