Not sure if IF-break-through could be a problem - as it is at least on the
28MHz band - so might be an idea to use lower frequency band, possibly around
2MHz (?), so I might even consider my well reputed KwEa receiver
Jan-Martin, LA8AK
-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: [email protected]
It is now starting to look easier to start from scratch by building
a new LF RX or simply to continue using the external preamp.
Hello Joe,
maybe is less work to build an up-convertor to HF and use the existing RX
at HF.
Using a widely available (and thus cheap) 10MHz xtal you end up right in
the 30m band (10.137kHz).
As the RX is probably very sensitive at 10MHz maybe you can do without any
amplification at LF, just a bandpass filter and a mixer (preferably passive
DBM, minicircuits has some nice and cheap building blocks).
73, Rik ON7YD