I've just completed a major overhaul of the antenna system making it larger
and much higher. I've also just added a description of my LF setup to my
I'm pretty much ready to go, for the winter. Unfortunately I am still
rockbound and the next project will be a DDS (unless someone has one that
needs a nice home).
A 30 minute test on the weekend with eastern Oregon (Steve Ratzlaff) showed
very good signals with a little less than 60W into the new antenna. The
antenna is right beside the ocean, facing easterly towards North America
over 15 miles of salt water.
If anyone can set up to listen or 'grab', I could fire up tonight, after my
160m sked with VY1JA (who has also applied for a 2200m experimental
licence...the Europeans will like this possibility!) as condx
look like they may be improving over the past while. I can start at 0500Z
and would prefer to try either QRSS3 or QRSS10. I can squeeze about 460W
of the new transmitter but anything more is pushing it. Hopefully the wind
will stay down tonight so the overcurrent will not trip if the antenna blows
around too much.
Please let me know if you can give a look.
73 / Steve / VE7SL FREQ: 137.5728