Hello Jeff and José plus group,
Jeff, we had some changing condx here. QRSS3 fb and OOO. Singal the raised
and was good for cw, as you also discovered. At maximum 6 dB S+N/N During
cw-qso condx went down agn, so hard time here. Meanwhile I am conviced to do
some antennawork for rx. Hartmut sent quite some links, now I have to go
through that and hope to come to some effective conclusion.
Now José, tnx for your reply on my call, but did not discover your signal.
I NEED AN RX-ANTENNA. Any way, qrn-cracks have decreased a lot and there are
better times to come still. We won't give up.
I ran 1.5 Amps into the umbrella 20m up.
73 de Peter, dj9dw, JO40LE.