I am pleased to announce the first western Canadian contact on the 2200m
band! The QSO was completed yesterday on 137.754 kHz. ( July 10th) between
myself, VE7SL (Mayne Island, BC - CN88) and Scott Tiley, VE7TIL (Vancouver,
BC - CN89), a distance of approximately 50km.
At the time of our initial two-way QSO, Scott's transmitter consisted of a
homebrew DDS exciter using a Darlington-pair final running about 1W output.
My transmitter was also homebrewed, using a crystal controlled exciter into
a single FET amplifier at 100W out. Both of us used similar antenna systems
for transmitting, a loaded three-wire flattop 'T' . On receive, both
stations used small backyard loop antennas.
Being the only 2200m activity west of Ontario, it is hoped that our efforts
will stimulate more interest in LF on the west coast and western provinces.
As well, we are both working towards improvements in antenna systems and
increased power levels for the upcoming winter season.
73...Steve McDonald / VE7SL
'THE VE7SL RADIO NOTEBOOK' : http://www.imagenisp.ca/jsm
[L.F. Loop] [Tuna Tin DX ] [Crystal Radio DXing] [Maritime/Aero DX]
[136 kHz ] [Boatanchors ] [NDB DX]