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LF: cq de G3JRL Monday

To: "lf group" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: cq de G3JRL Monday
From: "Frederick John Armstrong" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 20:26:32 -0000
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Hello all,
I did, as announced, call cq at 1600hrs and 1930 hrs today, Monday,and listened on 136.9 kHz and 3073 kHz.  The only station I heard was Werner ON6ND. Thank you Werner for calling. I thought at first you had heard my cqs but I realised that that was not the case when you did not reply to me. You had responded to my e-mail I think.  Werner I was copying you at 589 as I often do as I have called you many times but my signal is not making it to you.
Thank you Jim for your thoughts on my location. I will persevere with improvements to the antenna then.  For those who wish to know,  I run 415 watts from the tx and I obtain 2 amps into the antenna which is an inverted L with vertical slightly sloping of 35 ft and top of 117 feet. I use 2 radials of 130 ft with earth rods but intend to increase them.  I thought that should have done the business but not so.  The loading coil is a large one  using a muck bucket of 600mm dia and 500 mm high.
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  • LF: cq de G3JRL Monday, Frederick John Armstrong <=