Hello Thomas,
With many thanks for picture.
Also thank you for QSO.
I shall do soon RX antenna Beverage 1.5km.
Hope on our CW QSO.
Strange, also I can not do REPLAY on your letter. :(
Saturday, March 13, 2004, 4:48:05 PM, you wrote:
TK> Hello Sam,
TK> thanks for the nice QSO at 2004-03-12 1800 UTC. Your signal was about S7 in
the headphones and
TK> dogboned on the argo screen, see attachment. Your new antenna does a very
good job - with that
TK> signal you should be seen by Ed in Vladivostok if condx don¦t fail ...
TK> After the QSO I called you in normal CW but it seemed you couldn¦t hear me.
TK> Best 73, gl es cuagn
TK> Tom, DK1IS
Best regards,
Sam, rn6bn mailto:[email protected] 