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LF: DCF39<>CT1DRP plots

To: "LF-Group" <>
Subject: LF: DCF39<>CT1DRP plots
From: "Alan Melia" <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 20:36:10 +0100
Sender: <>
Hi all, for anyone who wants to collect the daily plots of the Signal
Strength of DCF39 as recorded by Brian in Porto (these are appended to my
propagation reports) the months for 2003 so far have been zipped up and are
available on my website in the "Useful Programs" page Each month is about
250kB to 300kB of .ZIP file. Where there are gaps the system was down. I
have "jumped the gun" a little with July and there will be another two
graphs to add to the zip later.

Cheers de Alan G3NYK

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