Hi Uwe, It does look like the station your declared...BUT just get a ruler
out, or a pair of dividers, and you will find the spacing is very odd and
the element lengths are not constant. I wonder whether this is in fact a
"beat note" between two of the other stations ?? dot, dash and space lengths
are often selected to suit the user and 3:1 is not always chosen, but once
the keying starts the dots and dashes and spaces should come out at the same
length. For instance compare the two dots in your "I" with two of the dots
in the "6" and there is a big difference. Fading can affect this a little
but the signal seems steady over the call-sign period. One the other hand
one mans 60 sec dot may be anothers 50 sec. dot. Brian should be near
perfect as his elements start on the GPS "ticks", and his sending is near
Just a possibility ??
Cheers de Alan G3NYK
[email protected]
----- Original Message -----
From: "jannsen" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: 22 June 2003 00:06
Subject: Re: LF: Beacons last night
Alberto di Bene schrieb:
> jannsen wrote:
> >in addition to your observation: IT6DN at midnight on 137.7716kHz mode
> QRSS60
> >15dB above noise.
> >
> >
> >
> IT6DN ? That's not a valid Italian prefix, unless it is a special call
> Valid prefixes for operation below 50 MHz for Italian region 6 are I6xx
> or IK6xx or IZ6xx.
> Or it could have been IT9DN, then it is Sicily island.
> 73 Alberto I2PHD
Hi Alberto,
see attachment, what do you read ?