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Re: LF: Experimentation/beaconing

Subject: Re: LF: Experimentation/beaconing
From: "Laurence J Howell" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 15:27:48 -0800
Sender: <>
Ian - drilled thick Merlot bottles can, with care, make excellent
insulators - but you have to drink it first....Ive found that Zinfandel
produces different and inferior results and gives more "bottom"
Conditions T/A and T/Pol - Before I pulled the arrays down today I checked
the DCF39 signal and I can only see  it weakly 1 hours @ Dot 60 between
0800-0900Z - I hope the Company doesn't move me from here till next March!
Anyone want to guess when Ill start to see strong nighttime signals from
Eu? Oct/Nov? It seems such a long long way away....
Laurence KL1X, sunny 62F yep...

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