From here an improvement over yesterday. Eu LF bcst stations stronger but
only marginally but short strong noise on 137.7746 from 0400-0430
+-0/2Hz.. DCF39 peaked at "s5" at 0500 but no one seen. No worth waking
anyone up?!.Magnetmometer still looks sub storm in content up here.
Nice PC1 type signature too. I missed Eds' email till 1600z, sorry. Ive
figured out my laptop can run 4 separate "receive" window sessions of Argo
with the screen settings at 1600 x 1200 pixel @ 16 bit color quality,
without upsetting the jpeg captures. I set the capture time to 50% of what
the full screen would take to refresh (at a specific qrss rate) - this
combats the occasional blank Argo screen capture Ive seen so I dont lose
screen content. Laurence KL1X 0C clear. 1611Z